Cover #1...
There is nothing nicer than having art to show people. It's really cool, to be able to go 'See this? My mate did this. And it's for something that I wrote.' And to be honest at the moment? I have a hell of a lot of it. Sam Hart has done some of the best art I've ever seen him do for Starship Troopers - Damaged Justice #4 and I really really really want to show it off to you - but I can't - as it seriously gives away the end of the series. Just know that he's knocked the ball out of the park.
And Dan Boultwood on Hope Falls - Jesus! I can't believe how great and yet at the same time how dark his pages have been - I swear to god there's one panel - I might put it up when it's painted - that creeps the hell out me - just the way it's supposed to.
But as I said, I love to post art, so here for your enjoyment is Szymon Kudranski's art for the cover of issue #1 of Hope Falls - out in November. It's reduced in size, so to see it in it's glory, right click and 'view image'.
I think it says it all, really. Don't you? Let me know what you think....